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This guide is intended to assist your preparation for speaking at the Women in Agribusiness Summit in Orlando, 2025. 

Please reference your session email for details on date and time for your specific presentation.

Women in Agribusiness Summit 2025

Mon-Wed, September 22-24

Hyatt Regency Orlando

To book your accommodations at the block rate, Click Here

Send all deliverable items to Reagan Russell at

Please direct any questions or concerns to Reagan and she will assist you with all your needs for the Summit. 

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Provide Speaker and Session Details

Here are the materials we need in the short-term. Items can be sent piecemeal, if some are more readily available, but please let us know a rough estimate of when all will be sent in order to plan our marketing queue.


Each speaker needs to provide the following for inclusion on our event agenda and marketing:
Headshot: to be placed on the website, in the event mobile app, and in promotional materials for the event. Headshots should be a high-resolution jpg photo.

Name, title and company
: as you want it to be listed on agenda

Professional Bio: to be listed in the mobile app and on our website with a limit of 125 words. 

Social Media: primarily LinkedIn, but please provide social handles to be tagged in marketing message

Session Details:

  • Session Title at roughly eight or fewer words, which can be adjusted up to the week before we market the session

  • Session Description at 50-100 words, which can be adjusted up to six weeks ahead of the event

  • Two to three bullet points outlining the key takeaways you want the audience leaving your session to be--the core learnings

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Presentation Guidelines

Presentations are due on Monday, August 18. Please send via email to


  • Our goal with each session is to ensure the audience comes away with key takeaways that will help them make better business decisions in the coming year, so focus on conveying the key lessons you know this audience needs to learn more about.

  • Presentations should emphasize your thought leadership on a topic and should avoid promoting your organization or advertising products or services. We find that a very brief introduction of your work and your company's role in the industry does well to establish your credibility on the subject you're covering. The audience is looking for industry education and will respond negatively to perceived "commercials". 

  • We will work hard during the month between the August 18 deadline and the week of the event to review and ensure your presentation reflects your thought leadership and is framed in a way we know our audience will receive well while still being challenged. However, if there are issues on content--especially if content skews toward advertisement--and we cannot resolve them through collaboration before the event, we do reserve the right to remove the session from the agenda. I mention this upfront as part of our efforts to ensure you have the best possible experience on the stage and our audience recognizes the well-earned thought leadership you hold in your sector.



  • Ratio - Please use 16:9 ratio for slides

  • Filetype - Send your presentation as a .ppt or .pptx filetype. We've had challenges in the past with other filetypes--including PDF, keynote and google slides files.

  • Fonts - If possible, please use fonts included in the Microsoft Office suite. If custom fonts are used, please send the font files along with your presentation by the due date.

  • Video/Audio - If you include video or audio files in your presentation, please send the video or audio file separately in addition to your slide deck. If there are any unforeseen challenges playing the file from the slide deck while you're on stage, our audio team can play the file separately for a seamless presentation.

  • Other tools - If you are including any additional unconventional tools within your slide deck, please let me know by the presentation deadline so I can be sure we are set up to run them smoothly.​

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Presentation Day Logistics


  • Ensure you are checked in at the registration desk at least one hour before your session start time

    • Arrive at the room you're speaking in 15 minutes before your session begins

    • Check in with the A/V table when you arrive at your room. They will have your name listed and will get you ready to go on-stage.

    • Save my cell number so that you can call/text me should you need any help or have any questions on-site: 2096294739

    • Save our Production Coordinator's cell number as a backup, in case I don't answer quickly enough. Her name is Reagan Russell: 9367762037. I've learned it's good to have backups on backups  

  • Stage

    • Single elevated stage with stairs + handrail up one or both sides

    • Stage is large enough for you to walk around as you speak. For those of you on panels, all panelists and the moderator will have seats to speak from ready onstage.

    • Single podium with microphone in the front corner to hold notes, water bottle, etc.

    • Large screen at back of stage will display your slides or a background slide, if you're not using slides

    • Two smaller screens are positioned on the floor just in front of the stage, within your sight:

      • Confidence monitor, which shows you what the audience is seeing on the big stage screen at that moment. Note: You will not be able to see the Notes section of your slide deck on this monitor. Here, your deck will be open in Slide Show View, not in Presenter View.

      • Countdown clock, which will be set to end at the time your session ends, unless otherwise notified. Note: In the process of running an event like this, we can occasionally run a couple minutes behind schedule. If this happens, we may have to cut your session time by a couple minutes to get back on track. If this happens, we'll discuss it with you while you're being mic'd up, ahead of joining the stage.

  • A/V Accessories

    • You will have either a lapel mic or a small over-the-ear mic. The mics come wired to a small battery pack you'll need to clip to your beltline or keep in your pocket.

    • As you begin to speak onstage, the A/V team will adjust your mic's settings to pick up your natural speaking volume. This usually happens within roughly the first 10 seconds you speak.

    • Where applicable, you'll have a remote "clicker" to advance the presentation slides. This is usually kept on the podium between sessions.

  • Q&A Microphones

    • For attendees to ask questions, we'll have mic stands set up in the audience. We'll ask them to line up behind the mic, first-come first-served.

    • In the past, we've had mic runners who deliver the microphones to attendees with raised hands. We're giving this a try because it will likely be more time-efficient. Though, we'll have backup mic runners on standby in case they're needed.

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Seat Drop
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Seat Drop

WIA will place item(s) at each seat before the arrival of attendees to the designated session. 

  • Provide a description of the seat drop item for approval by June 6, 2025

  • Quantity will depend on the item and location. 

Shipping Instructions

  • Please use the provided yellow group shipping label here. Packages must arrive no later than Friday, September 19, 2025. If being delivered by hand, please contact Reagan Russell to make arrangements for the correct delivery.

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Product Placement

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